Advertising LLC

B2B Social Advertising

LinkedIn Advertising & Consulting

Increase the likelihood of being found by potential customers by showing ads and quality content on leading B2B social platforms.

At Spotter Advertising, we believe it is important to strategically advertise on multiple platforms that align with your industry. With your knowledge and our in-depth research, we will create an advertising plan that best fits your goals and needs. As a part of our services, we consult with our clients before implementation to determine if LinkedIn is a suitable addition to your marketing strategy.  If you're looking to target a specific target audience in the B2B space, advertising on LinkedIn is an effective strategy.

Below you will find a description of the LinkedIn services we provide:

LinkedIn Advertising


One of the most powerful methods of online B2b marketing is through LinkedIn, which is the world's largest professional network. If you're interested in targeting business decision makers, C-level executives, or simply building brand awareness, you need to start advertising in LinkedIn today. There a few ways to advertise within LinkedIn which include lead-generation forms, In-Mail campaigns, and more.

Through the LinkedIn advertising platform, we can target users by the following criteria: 

  • Job title (i.e. C-level suite employees)

  • Company size

  • Job industry 

  • Age range

  • Salary ranges

LinkedIn Consulting


Can you name 5 people who you work with professionally that do not have a LinkedIn account? Neither can we. Point is, LinkedIn is the most widely utilized professional networking site in the world and having a company account is a great way to increase your visibility and connect with current and future customers. LinkedIn is not just a job site or a site for recruiters. No matter your industry, if you have potential clients active on LinkedIn, your company should be sharing relevant, quality content.

Benefits to publishing content on LinkedIn:

  • Build brand and product awareness amongst key stakeholders

  • Enhance brand reputation

  • Influence strategic accounts by providing quality content

  • Utilize personal connections to enhance company reach on the network

  • Visibility on the largest professional networking site in the world

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